Morrisville tobacco company’s profit gains 684 percent – Triangle Business Journal:
Net income hit $132.6 million, or $1.5o0 per basic share, for the 12-monthn period, compared to $16.9 million, or $0.19 per basixc share, for the prior fiscall year. “By all measures Alliancer One had a very solid year that full metour expectations,” says CEO Roberft E. Harrison. “ Heading into the coming year our balances sheet is in good shape with strong liquidity and is well positionedd to supportfuture “ Alliance One, which employs 4,700 people worldwide, processes and sells primarily flue-cured, and Oriental tobaccos that are used in cigarette making in the Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Durinfg the past fiscal year, the publicly tradede company says in an earnings South American revenue increasedby $20 million due to price increases that more than offset a decline in kilos sold. in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa, revenue shot up by $220 millionn due to price increases and a slighr increase inquantities sold. Prior fiscal year restructuring chargewof $20 million, mostly from oversea s employee severance packages and facilities declined to $591,000 in the fiscal year ending in marcg The company’s total sales and operating revenue was $2.26 billionm for the fiscal year ending March 31, compared to $2.
01 billion in the prior Alliance One shares trade on the New York Stoc Exchange, currently in the $5.59 range, and near the 52-week high of

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